1. The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives
2. Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth
3. Behind the Mask: Malaria Eradication and Involuntary Sterilization
4. Restoring the Rule of Law: Legal Implications of Covert Population Control Measures
5. The Holy Grail: Controlling Human Life on the Planet
6. The System’s Plan Revealed
7. Depopulation and Decarbonization
8. OM Principles in 8 Languages
9. How the Russians do it
10. Ironclad Evidence Covid-19 is a Political Fiction
11. Covid Vaccines and the Depopulation Program
13. PCR Tests and the Depopulation Program
14. The Covid-19 Pandemic and Climate Change Fictions
15. The Pandemic Illusion and Global Governance
16. Criminal Strategies for Sustainability: The Geopolitics of Decarbonization by Plandemic and Depopulation by Vaccination
17. Fake War Real Suffering: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
18. One Page Summary of the International System
19. Why a Mass Killing Event is Inevitable
20. The Right Way Forward
21. The Future of Europe
22. The Future of the World